What is the Scrabble Club in Scrabble Go?
The Scrabble Club is a subscription-based system that provides players of Scrabble Go exclusive boosts and rewards. This includes the Word Power Meter, Scrabble Scholar, Challenge Rewards, Daily Arena Tickets, and the removal of all banner and video ads.

The Word Power Meter is a helpful tool when trying to find the best word to play. When placing a word on the board, you can tap on the meter icon above it to check the strength of the play. This is useful to ensure that the play is a good move to make before submitting it.

The Scrabble Scholar boost is also a nice way to improve your gameplay. With this tool, you can view the best move you could have played from your previous turn. It is a great way to learn new words and how to effectively use the board. After you have made your move, just tap on the Scrabble Scholar button above the board to use it.

The Challenge Rewards are also a nice benefit if you like to play every day. Each day there will be a new challenge to complete to be able to earn a reward. This could be something like a Chest or Arena Ticket. As well, subscribing will deliver one Arena Ticket every day for free.
To get subscribed to the Scrabble Club and remove ads in Scrabble Go, enter the Home page and swipe the slider until you find the Scrabble Club slide. Tapping on that will bring you to the page to subscribe. This is the best way to get the most out of the game for avid Scrabble players.